Sun run 2025!
as night falls and the foggy rain sweeps thru the air....i feel grateful that the animals and myself are warm and dry within. remus went off to his new…
i always feel minimized, marginalized, brushed aside when whining about how hard rescue is and the dreaded "compassionate fatigue" comes into play. my…
bratwurst is home from his surgery. it is not going well...he is not moving his back legs, he is unable to pee on his own. we have him set up in a cage in the…
Our beautiful goat Summer passed away today. She has had chronic knee problems and finally she was feeling better after this last surgery. Then suddenly she…
fancy is still really shy but doing ok...i think she feels a little bit safer in the medical room. new senior cat noelle is settling in well. she is a real…
do you know why animal welfare will never get better? it is because it relies on humans and we are stuck in a vicious circle of human issues. we can't get past…
In accordance with SAINTS bylaws Part 3 (Meeting of Members) Section 13 We will be holding our AGM Date: October 22nd, 2017 Time: 12 PM - 2 PM Location:…
we live in a world that's not necessarily honest...a world where words are manipulated to sound good but hide the underlying truth. we know this to be true so…
those words from this year's gala video, resonates with me so strongly. the ultimate fate of all domestic animals depends on the wants, the needs, the…
Chicklet (and Charlie) came to SAINTS in January of 2016. Their previous family was overwhelmed, and just could no longer care for them. As two dogs already…
Thank you to all the animal sponsors, table sponsors, silent auction donators, and everyone who came to our event purchased and auction item and held up…
it was a really great night last evening at our gala. so many super kind, generous and supportive people gathered together to assist our saintly crew....i just…