Sun run 2025!
we are really struggling here...the deep snow makes all of the work just that much harder, plus i noticed tonight that it has broken our new-ish $600 outside…
the difficulties and stressers i face in rescue are not all that different than i face in just sucks when both of my lifelong endeavors are…
she was found by one of our staff while out on a hike last year. sadie was lost in the bush and found sitting near her deceased chicken friend, all alone in…
who braved the storm and made it to states today (and tomorrow!) we would have been screwed. but tonight over one hundred animals are safe, warm, and dry with…
it took anne and i well over an hour to shave off the matted casts on roxanne's little legs. the matts were so thick and tight and had been there for so long…
it is light and fluffy so should be ok to drive on the roads but it is so deep, i can't get out of the driveway to reach the damn road and i am supposed to be…
here is the thing about rescue..besides that it sometimes truly sucks. everyone has an opinion, everyone knows what is their version of right, everyone…
SAINTS is aware that Gilligan is being presented for re-homing on The BC Hobby Farming FB site in breach of his adoption contract because of aggression issues…
i named her violet, unclaimed stray..senior dog with bad eyes, bad teeth, matted and nails growing into the pads of her feet. the shelter sent her into the…
Kiwi was in foster care with helga, she was almost 20 yrs old. kiwi was an owner surrender and had a hard time adjusting to SAINTS. helga took pity on her and…
floyd came to us via an undercover operation investigating the suffering of animals in the organic duck farming world. he was found on his back unable to right…
almost 3 years ago i acted upon a whim. i saw a one year old husky cross posted on one of the BC rescue forums. her current family had obtained her a few…