Sun run 2025!
JoJo is not well. We are not sure what is up with him but whatever it is, it's not good. When JoJo came in a few weeks ago his left hind leg was swollen, he…
it has been a tough couple of days. mystic had her eye surgery to restore her sight. she is now in a cone and needs 3 sets of eye drops, some every 2 hours…
Cash is a little 9 week old shepherd cross puppy in ICU at Boundray Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital fighting for his life. His family unable to afford the…
i call the rabbits the silent screamers and i call horses the silent slaves. there are some truly good or great homes out there for both of them and mediocre…
SAINTS is complicated. It is this vast mini world made up of individual animal and human personalities and needs, of water, and grass and fences and gates, and…
So on Sunday I was visiting my new broken and starved ex race horse and I said to her "You are Strong, You are Mighty, you are Seattle Slew's granddaughter…
SAINTS is full and didn't have room so I decided to take her on myself and put her into boarding with Rick. She will get all the TLC she needs there to help…
its been busy here. we are still down 2 staff. skye colicked 2 days ago. frost colicked yesterday. charlotte is not well. mitzy's biopsy came back..non…
I am 61, have bad lungs and work in health care. Yes I worry about COVID. I worry about me, my family. I worry about my patients, my co workers, and I worry…
I am sure everyone has noticed that Mystic is getting cloudy eyes, these are cataracts brought on by her diabetes. Now our magical mystical puppy would love to…
Many years ago, long before SAINTS, i worked with other rescues as a volunteer. One of them became my mentor, i learned so much about what was good and right…
We lost Doc yesterday. He was Chewy's best friend and a huge favorite with all of the barn folks. He came in back in 2012 underweight, stunted, covered in…