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there is always something to worry about in rescue
rescue in retrospect
What is the root word of organization? early 15c., organisacioun, "structure of the body or its parts;" mid-15c., "act or process of organizing, the arranging of parts in an organic whole"
Rescue is such a huge tangle of emotions, its that proverbial tangled ball of yarn.
The journey of an abandoned cat
5 little parvo pups came in tonight with an interesting story behind them.
Putting the puzzle pieces together... Humans and animals age in similar ways. This is because biologically we are the same: heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, bones, muscles and brains.
When the going gets tough, the tough keep going. Cash is growing stronger every day!
I have been thinking about the Trauma Triplets. I was watching Erin taking all of her building dogs for a run.
Update: The 2019 Financials and the 2020 AGM Meeting Minutes can be found at the following Google links:…
JoJo is not well. We are not sure what is up with him but whatever it is, it's not good. When JoJo came in a few weeks ago his left hind leg was swollen, he…
it has been a tough couple of days. mystic had her eye surgery to restore her sight. she is now in a cone and needs 3 sets of eye drops, some every 2 hours…