Sun run 2025!
firstly re Keats: we switched his home euth app't to July 13th. i just couldn't do the felt too too soon. i might regret it but i am praying not…
first day back to work and i had just gotten out of the shower tonight when a couple of folks showed up at the gate. they had a sick pig who had been down for…
it must be.huh??? so vern has the new outdoor cat run framed up...we (as in not me) need to paint it before the wire goes up. he also says we need to paint the…
keats' arthritis is horrible and he is at the top of all of his various pain medications. however...he is still perky and bright, he still toddles out to the…
lucy is a new cat arrival. she has vomiting issues and her past owner had health issues and was unable to manage her care. lucy is currently upset and is…
bailey is a sweet little papillon who follows us around asking to be picked up and held. she wraps her front legs around your arm tightly to hang on and…
we have been watching him closely since he was diagnosed with probable bladder cancer. buddy was too old to go poking and prodding for something that could not…
the is no doubt that the pre-amble leading up to the open house was tough but thx to some really wonderful volunteers, we were looking great by the time the…
Smiling faces of SAINTS at our open house this weekend. .. The open house is a time for our shelter and the saintly crew to really take centre stage in a…
Watch SAINTS volunteer Nat and Rayne talk about SAINTS and the open house on CTV Vancouver Noon News. Well Nat because Rayne was far too interested in his…
i was tired and headachey today..i stayed up late working thru a mountain of laundry and then got up at 5 am to push a couple of more loads thru. the painters…