Sun run 2025!
Mouse is Team House's Captain in The Amazing Raise Campaign. Here is her story.
Rescue has good and bad days, happy and sad days and somedays are mixed up with both.
Following great success in late 2020, we've opened up our merch shop again for a limited time
Sometimes they need a little extra time and effort to recognize the home of their dreams.
Some dogs pose a risk to others, sometimes to other animals, sometimes to humans, sometimes to both. We have a few of those here and we love them.
we have lost 4 animals recently and gained 3 new ones with a 4th soon to come in.
I forgot that it is not the image that matters, it is the work that we do.
the journey in letting go an starting over.
This is Quinn at 7 months of age. He is one of those “special” dogs that sometimes come to SAINTS even though they are not palliative or senior but he was very much a “special needs’ kind of dog.
our newest broken Saint
Pay It Forward Lottery Ends Feb 28th at Midnight
One because the new posting format has been difficult for me to navigate and Two because my head has been filled up with other stuff which had little to do with the animals.