Sun run 2025!
she came here too late for help with her advanced kidney disease. i didn't know her well, only spent a couple of brief moments checking on her and saying hi in…
but i do not know her name. she was a little stray cat who had moved into someone's garage a couple of months ago with a large wound on her face. The family…
Mocha came to Saints in March of 2015. He was a crotchety, blind old Siamese cat who did not want anything to do with anyone. One day, Heather came for a tour…
cheyenne passed very peacefully away at home today. if i am to be honest, i have to say i am relieved. i have been questioning her quality of life for quite a…
feeling kinda low tonight.. ...all the horrible stuff going on in the world. ...all of the animals cold and suffering in our area without a decent home. on a…
the reality of technology is we now live in the whole wide world and not just in our own barren or comfortable corners. i don't believe a human being can love…
19 yrs old..happy as a clam. such a great sport about everything. always up for a game or a cuddle or a romp round the pond. love this dog!
Hello! We will not be able to run the tour today as there is 16" of snow up here and the road is not plowed. Please try again next week…
Good morning Sunday volunteers! Carol just called me on her way to work and stave is ok to drive up but Dlugosh is not. The snow is very heavy so the street…
as a gift to tomorrow's snow bunny warriors...i have finally finished up ALL of the house and shop laundry..ok well the last loads are in the machines so i can…
we have 120 animals who do require care and snow can really impact the ability of people to get here to provide them the basics of care. so i am a bit…
i found myself blinking back tears a few times today. it was a regular kind of day..petty annoyances, soul moving moments..a typical day of a 58 yr old…