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he was an old discarded pitty with an old man face. jenn came and met him and gave him the home of his dreams. we are so very sorry for your loss jenn and so…
clover is having a hard time. she tore off three nails today in a meltdown when one of the staff took ella out for a walk. and she started to flip out again…
from bill... I understand that things have been rough lately..... I am thinking of not only the precious animals but the wonderful people working so very hard…
airabelle passed away today. when she came in from far up north, she had an aggressive mammary cancer. she had surgery to remove the tumors and altho we hoped…
i think there is something important to recognize about SAINTS... what we do here, how we do it...why we do it has nothing to do with what gets tossed in our…
edith was rushed into the vets first thing this morning and assisted to peacefully pass. she was such a great cat. edith came in a year? maybe 2? ago...i am…
i hung daisy, june and buddy's wind chimes tonight...still sad about their losses. but sadder still because there are more to come. hyde is not well..soon we…
he was tired, he was sick. he didn't want to eat anymore and that incredibly bright light of his had faded. the combination of end stage kidney disease and…
today, our beloved june passed gently from this world to the next. june came to us in august of 2011, she was 3 years old and was an spca cruelty seizure. june…
i am trying to acclimatize to my new job while keeping on top of saints stuff. my brain is a bit full. i can't remember if i introduced dudley? new 13 yr old…
Robbie's plea for our Wishes 4 Whiskers event. We have received some great items such weekend get always and home decore items, and lots of doggy themed items…
Dear Carol - Just wanted to let you know that my Ted passed away (euthanized) Thursday afternoon on the critical care ward of Canada West Veterinary…