Sun run 2025!
Robbie's plea for our Wishes 4 Whiskers event. We have received some great items such weekend get always and home decore items, and lots of doggy themed items…
Dear Carol - Just wanted to let you know that my Ted passed away (euthanized) Thursday afternoon on the critical care ward of Canada West Veterinary…
johanna's little guys are back at saints..johanna fell and broke her arm and is awaiting surgery. anne drove in to vancouver to pick them up so johanna can…
so much going on for me personally and for saints these past few weeks. i am still having a hard time dealing with the loss of daisy, the re-homing of pepper…
i came home from work and planted the blueberry bushes and tossed out the seed for the new bunny garden (which i should have done BEFORE it rained!) once i got…
Our lovely Maestro passed away today. He had been without his sister Sage for 8 days. My guess is that for him, it was 8 days too long. Maestro had cancer, we…
we have had several donkeys over the years...jack, jenny and amos. all of them were noisy little buggers, shrieking their heads off whenever they wanted…
a lot has been happening here and i have been feeling a little low, plus i didn't want to bury sheila's posts as she organizes the upcoming gala. soooo...not…
Every single SAINT was sponsored and some got 2 sponsors. AND we raised $2925. Thank you everyone who has paid for their sponsorship. Each sponsorship is $…
Thank you everyone who sponsored the cats. Only 3 cats are looking to be loved... Maurice, Sunny, and Remus (oops I missed him yesterday) There are 20 bunnies…
I was always the the kid that wasn't very athletic and not popular so always picked last in gym class so I always empathize with the cats because they are…
Another loss yesterday. Dear Jasper passed away peacefully with both Jody and Laura by his side. He had been struggling with kidney disease, diagnosed just…