Sun run 2025!
she wasn't technically a saint but in reality she was. roxy had been coming to saints with mo since we opened in 2005. every weekend she would join the saintly…
Look at this picture. Really look at it. Can you imagine living in there? That is a rabbit hutch. It is split down the middle so the two rabbits who lived…
onions are my favorite analogy for pretty much everything. i used it not too long ago at a conference as an example: pet overpopulation being the whole and all…
i struggle with so many things in responsibility to the animals is always first and foremost..but then there is saints itself and it too has needs…
Rescue really isn't all that simple. Some days it will boggle the brain. Even things that ought to be easy..aren't really all that easy. Take for example…
Jamie is one of the strongest people I know. She is one of those people who gives her whole heart to the dogs she takes home. Over and over her heart is…
Johanna is on holidays, her dogs are with us until she's back. These guys are so funny, all three are quirky sweet souls who are busy busy (then naptime) then…
he was one of my bedroom crew. i don't think balto ever had a great least not until he came to saints. he decided my dogs and by…
So much to tell you! Welcome Jenny! Her mom Sabine asked us quite some time ago if we would take Jenny in if she either passed or became otherwise unable to…
Winter makes everything harder. We don't have to shovel a whole lot, couple weeks a year maybe. Carol thinks snow is pretty. And it is, I guess, up on the…
On one of the many times the vets came out to assess Noni, they guesstimated her age. She came to us in June, at likely about 4 months old. Janette looked at…
miley who broke our hearts over and over again as we tried to surgically repair her leg 5 times without success. miley who broke our hearts one last time when…