Sun run 2025!
Cookie was surrendered to SAINTS back in the fall of last year. As a paraplegic, the level of care Cookie requires proved to be too much for her original…
Lorraine knew before she met her. She told us, she just KNEW Mocha was the dog for her. Lorraine recently lost her beloved dog, and had been looking for…
Dr. Brent from Agwest came out today. He checked out Cinder's chronic upper resp infection (which we are not going to treat unless she shows signs of malaise)…
First off, today was Shelley's last day. Shelley has been in the barn Mondays and Tuesdays, she is leaving us to take on a full time job teaching riding…
Fraidy went to the vet this afternoon. I had just left the stopsign nearest the clinic afterwards when the tire pressure light on the dash came on (fuck) AND…
Charlotte is so great. She is smart, friendly and pretty easy going. She is living the life all pigs deserve. After the longest winter ever all the Saints are…
Do you know who these eyes belong to? I dont mean who specifically (though huge bonus if you can name them ;)) I mean what species do they belong to? Pretty…
The SAINTS aviary is home to four pairs of birds. Charlie and Annie took awhile to really get close, Charlie only had eyes for Chickie and I am sure losing…
Cats and their diseases! Or...not? We took in Ariel, believing her to be a Feline Leukemia kitten. She tested positive early on, so we took all the precautions…
Spot became a Saint on October 26 2015. He and Magee were transferred from Mission's Animal Control that day. Less than two months later Spot moved into his…
Sometimes (but lets be honest, not often) an animal comes into SAINTS and we think, Oh, Theyll get a home no problem, just a matter of time. Tido and Theo for…
Squirt came to SAINTS Feb 15 2008, we believe he was a puppy mill survivor. We guessed at his age..4? 5? 6? not a youngster but not an old fart either. For the…